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The Heart Work Community

Giving Professional Women the strategies to accomplish purpose without burnout.

Are you ready to fill up your cup, Recover from Burnout & Rekindle the spark for purpose?

As a leader at your school or organization, you are no stranger to the winding staircase it takes to crack the glass ceiling and get to the top where few other women can claim to have reached. You’ve given your all in the climb up, putting your blood, sweat, tears – and most importantly – your heart into everything you do.

The problem? You’ve been so busy pouring into everyone else’s cup that you have nothing left in your own.

Sure, you’re successful, accomplished, with at least a decade of experience under your belt, but all that “success” is starting to feel like it doesn’t matter.

Every morning you’re called to do your work, you’ve got nothing left to give. You’re unfulfilled, overworked, fatigued and empty inside.

Even though no one sees it – I do. Because I’ve been there.

Look, I know you’re burnt out. And at your professional level, you have no idea how to stop putting your foot on the gas pedal without completely spiraling out of control.

What you need isn’t more work. You need a mirror – so you can see how to maximize your strengths, change your internal dialogue and minimize burnout.

That’s where I come in.

I’m Dr. Patrice Buckner Jackson, known as Dr. PBJ, and successful women like you rely on me to break their destructive cycles at work so they can finally stop burning out and start living the fulfilled personal and professional lives they deserve and desire.

Let me show you how.

Through our HeartWork strategies, You Will...

Check your Baggage

Challenge thoughts, beliefs, and standards that hold you captive in the Cycle of Burnout

Build your Boundaries

  • Identify the places in your life where your values are compromised

  • Learn to build and honor  boundaries that protect everything that means most to you

Discover your Brilliance

  • Discover your unique, innate brilliance

  • Learn to pursue and maximize your brilliance without burnout and overwhelm


As a Member of the HeartWork Community,
You will receive...

  • Monthly Professional Strategy Calls

  • The Disrupting Burnout Digital Course

  • ​Small Group Care Leaders

  • Private Community full of like-hearted Professional Women

  • Unlimited Access to Dr. PBJ's Resource Library

  • And MORE...

Join HeartWork

Monthly Membership

  • Monthly Faith Calls

  • Monthly Professional Strategy Calls

  • Monthly HeartWork Calls

  • ​Small Group Care Leaders

  • Private Community full of like-hearted Professional Women

  • Full Access to Dr. PBJ's Resource Library

  • Invitation to exclusive HeartWork Retreat events

  • $97/ month

Annual Membership

  • Two months free

    • Pay for 10 months instead of 12

  • 1 one-on-one strategy call with Dr. PBJ

  • Monthly Faith Calls

  • Monthly Professional Strategy Calls

  • Monthly HeartWork Calls

  • ​Small Group Care Leaders

  • Private Community full of like-hearted Professional Women

  • Full Access to Dr. PBJ's Resource Library

  • Invitation to exclusive HeartWork Retreat events

  • $970/ year

HeartWork + One-on-One with Dr. PBJ

  • Monthly One-on-One Strategy sessions with Dr. PBJ

    • as long as you are enrolled in this plan

  • Monthly Faith Calls

  • Monthly Professional Strategy Calls

  • Monthly HeartWork Calls

  • ​Small Group Care Leaders

  • Private Community full of like-hearted Professional Women

  • Full Access to Dr. PBJ's Resource Library

  • Invitation to exclusive HeartWork Retreat events

  • $249/ month

    • requires a three month commitment​

Meet your Coach!

Dr. Patrice Buckner Jackson is a burnout recovery coach, transformational speaker, and educator whose revolutionary strategies give educators the ability to endeavor purposefully without burnout.


Through this experience, you will discover the freedom to serve your purpose with ease (Matthew 11:28-30).  Join us!

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  • Will the sessions be live?
    The live coaching calls with Dr. PBJ will occur live through Zoom.
  • Will I have access to a replay if I am unavailable to participate live?
    Recordings will be saved to the Library of Resources.
  • What is your refund policy?
    There are no refunds. Please take the time to read through the information on this page to be sure this program meets your needs before purchasing.

Client Testimonials

C. Brooks

"All I can say is simply thank you! Your wisdom, your experience, your ebook, YouTube, podcasts...they have been so helpful to me in this season. A couple of weeks ago I felt like burnout 101 like I was about to break but then I reviewed my notes from the session last month and began listening to your podcasts. Through much prayer and tears I'm learning I can't carry everybody. I was just empty-if that makes sense. Just wanted to say thank you again and how much I appreciate you. And of course I joined the Heart Work Academy Waitlist!"

V. Muldrow

'Dr. Patrice Jackson sets the standard for excellence in training! Her presentation style is interactive, engaging, always causes the audience to self-reflect, and dare I say entertaining. Not only did she debunk the myth that a perfect time management system exists, but she called me out on many of the excuses I made about not having enough time. As a result of really working through my barriers to thinking when it comes to this area, I feel more empowered to focus on my 'priorities of the moment" and to organize my time in a manner that benefits me - which ultimately benefits those that I serve. I can clearly separate work and personal time and know how to respond when I need to call an audible. Needless to say, my mood is improved, I spend more time socializing, and have actually become even more productive at work".
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